Guest agrees that this hotel will not be responsible for lost or stolen items or theft or damage to Guest’s vehicle. Guest understands that a safe is available for use upon Guest’s request. Guest’s signature below approves all legitimate charges incurred, including, but not limited to, any uncovered room fees by any third-party payor, incidental charges, and or any damages caused to the room.

Smoking, e-cigarettes, candles, and unregistered pets are not permitted at The Vermont Suites: For the comfort and safety of hotel guests The Vermont Suites, LLC is an entirely smoke-free facility. Violation of this policy will result in additional charges to Guest’s credit card on file.

Definition Of Smoking: Smoking includes but is not limited to Cigarettes, Cigars, CBD, Marijuana; Pipe Tobacco; Chewing Tobacco; Snuff; Bidis; Nicotine in a solution or other form intended for use with an electronic smoking device; Electronic smoking devices, such as e-cigarettes, Juuls, personal vaporizers, or other devices associated with “vaping;” and Rolling papers. Guest understands that Guest will be required to immediately vacate the property if Guest is found to have been smoking inside the hotel room.
Guest understands that if there is any evidence that Guest’s room has been smoked in or has an unregistered pet, a minimum $1000.00 deep cleaning fee will be assessed against Guest. By signing this form, Guest hereby understands and agrees that nothing contained herein is intended to, nor shall it create nor be deemed to create a landlord-tenant relationship between Guest and the Hotel. Guest further understands and agrees that Guest is waiving any rights to tenant protection laws or remedies and that no residential landlord-tenant laws or statutes apply to this Agreement.

The Vermont Suites LLC reserves the right to enter each room daily to check for cleanliness, maintenance and any other reasonable purpose.
LINEN CHANGING: Since Vermont Suites rooms are extended stay rooms, The Hotel require its guests to bring in their own personal beddings and towels. No linen services are available at this time.
CLEANING: Weekly cleaning is offered by the Hotel maintenance staff. To best accommodate Guest’s schedule, contact the Hotel manager to confirm a weekly cleaning time of the Guest’s room.
DAMAGE AND/OR THEFT OF HOTEL PROPERTY: Guest shall be liable for any damage caused to the room(s), Hotel’s premises or property caused by Guest or any person in Guest’s party whether or not staying at the Hotel during Guest’s stay.

ROOM CHARGES: One calendar month (30 days) is the minimum booking period required for stay at The Vermont Suites. Payment for Room for additional months is due in advance and must be paid before the current calendar period ends. Rates are subject to change upon two-week notice. Only months not paid for in advance can be affected in the rate increase or decrease. Advance rental payments are not subject to refund due to early check out.
Utilities have been included in your rate. With our guest's assistance, we have been successful in providing favorable rental rates. If you are away from your room for a day or more, please turn the heating/cooling system off. Please turn off ALL lights when leaving the room. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

LATE FEES: A $75.00 late fee is due if payment is not received on or before the current rental period ends. Room rental rates varies between $63 - $99 per night until payment is received. A guest who is late in paying for lodging will no longer be offered monthly rates. During regular business hours rent should be paid in the business office.

Room keys have been coded for your security. We issue one key per room occupant. There is a lost key charge of $25 per key.

NOTICE: A minimum of two-week notice is required to insure the hotel will hold your room should you need accommodations beyond your current reservation period. Written notice is required each month. Please email the hotel manager for your extension request. The security deposit shall be forfeited by Guests that do not keep their commitment to rent the following month. Guests are required to check out at the original check out date provided during check-in. Guests must obtain written confirmation of your booking confirmation for your continued occupancy.

GUEST POLICIES: As part of our commitment to guest safety, Guests will not disclose the identity, room number or presence of a guest to anyone other than appropriate law enforcement. This includes the taking of or delivery of messages or indirect forwarding of phone calls. It is the responsibility of guests to communicate their presence and room number to any person they wish to receive calls or visits from.

The hotel allows guests, with permission, to receive occasional packages and special deliveries at the property. We are not responsible for the packages or their contents or the storage of them.

The hotel assumes no responsibility for any personal bodily injury incurred while using the gym/fitness center facilities, where available. If you use the gym/fitness center facilities, you do so at your own risk.

GUEST RESPONSIBILITIES Guests will be immediately ejected from the hotel for the following actions:
Being involved in any police matter unless the matter arises through no fault of your own or due to circumstances beyond your control.
Possessing or using any illegal substances, including drugs. Using Guest rooms or any areas of the Vermont Suites premise for any illegal or illicit activity.

Possessing an unauthorized weapon or firearm including any concealed or open carry weapons regardless of license. Exempted from this policy are law enforcement officers and designated military personnel who are on duty and required to carry firearms in the performance of their duties. Civilians, even those who are licensed and permitted to carry a firearm openly under local, state, or federal law, are not exempt from this policy.

Violating the hotel’s Service Animal and/or Pet Policy. Service animals and guide animals under the ADA, as amended, are accepted at all of our hotels but must be disclosed and "registered" upon entering the property to eliminate confusion with staff and other guests, and a separate document must be acknowledged.

Tampering with or removing window stops, smoke detectors and other safety measures
Leaving room or common area windows or doors unlocked or open
Failing to bring guests in through the lobby entrance or welcoming guests who fail to follow these Rules and Policies. An invitee’s violation of these Guest Rules may result in both the invitee and guest being asked to leave the property
Soliciting or loitering of any kind, anywhere on the property
Consuming alcoholic beverages anywhere on the property outside of your room
Parking utility trailers, oversized vehicles and inoperative vehicles on the property
Parking in unauthorized areas
Washing, repairing, modifying, advertising the sale of or storing vehicles on the property (said vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense)
Being outside your room without being fully clothed, including shirt and shoes
Grilling, barbecuing or creating fire hazards on-premises
Displaying items including signage, lighting, clothing, etc., outside your room
Leaving minors unattended anywhere on property, including in your room
Causing disruptions, including the use of car horns, in the parking lot
Damaging or destroying hotel property and facilities anywhere on the property
Disrupting other guests with loud noise, TV, music, disorderly conduct or large groups
Feeding stray animals on the property or keeping animals inside parked vehicles
Leaving trash or personal items in common spaces or unauthorized areas
Using skates, skateboards, bikes or other recreational devices in common areas including hallways, sidewalks and parking lots
Creating or staying in unsanitary conditions (trash, odors, dirty dishes, filth, etc.)
Using the "The Vermont Suites" name and/or contact information for any personal or commercial purpose including ongoing mail service, including social media, Craigslist or other internet posts
Engaging in any activity, including social media, Craigslist, or other internet posts that might jeopardize the safety and relative privacy of any The Vermont Suites guest(s).

House Rules:
No parties or events allowed.
No smoking allowed inside or up to 24 feet from the building.
No pets allowed.
No additional or unregistered guests allowed.
Eating or drinking in the bed is not allowed.
Compliance with the noise curfew is required with quiet time commencing after 10 pm.
Guest shall pay for any damages to furnishings in Guest’s Hotel room which are
Beyond normal wear and tear.
Guest shall not rearrange any furniture in Guest’s room.
Guest must wash the dishes in Guest’s room and throw out any garbage therein.
Guest must take the trash out before leaving.
No illegal substances are allowed on the premises.
When leaving the room turn off the lights, air conditioning, and any electronics, close the windows and lock the door.
Guest must report to the Hotel any damages to room or furnishings in a reasonably timely manner.

Pet Friendly Policy:
1. Acceptable Pets
Vermont Suites is opening the property to all well-mannered dogs. No more than one (1) pet dog with a maximum size of up to 80 lbs may occupy a guest room. We reserve the right to require immediate removal of your pet that displays dangerous or unacceptable behavior, including, but not limited to, biting, excessive noise (such as barking), evidence of disease, or urination / defecation in public areas. Each guest is responsible for all charges that relate to the removal of his / her pet, including but not limited to transportation and kennel charges.
2. Pet Cleaning Fee
A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required for the stay. Please note that this is a one time payment regardless of how long or short your stay is.This is to cover the cost of additional and necessary cleaning in preparation for our next guest. If room fumigation is required due to pest infestation an additional fee over and above the cleaning fee will apply.  Guests will be responsible for any damages done by your pet.

3. Pet-Friendly Areas
Pets are allowed only in the following areas: your suite, and outdoors. There is a grassy area within  the property for your dog(s) to roam around. Pets are not allowed in public areas where food and beverage are served or consumed.  Please dispose of pet waste in the receptacle provided.

4. Pet Control / Containment in Public Areas
Pets must be leashed, caged, or firmly held when they are in all common areas of the property.

5. Pet in Room Sign
Please place the Pet in Room sign on the outside of your door whenever your pet is in your room.

6. Housekeeping
For the safety and comfort of your pet, Housekeeping will enter your room only if: (a) your pet is not present, or (b) you are present and can monitor your pet (dog’s must be on a leash), or (c) your pet is caged.

7. Damage to Guest Rooms and Common Areas
The property will charge for the repair or replacement cost for any damage caused by your pet.